Friday, December 4, 2015

Doing Things A New Way

Hello My Lovely Love Bunnies;

I would just like to start this blog to talk about the shooting in San Bernardino.  I just want to take the time to say, what a tragedy and my heart goes out to all of the victim's families, and that We All need to send them some healing energy.  There is so much pain in the world that I like to keep my blog in a positive light, and I “Try” to keep it fun for you all, but when something tragic happens in the world I have to addresses it. Just because I fill that is the right thing to do. Thanks Love Bunnies for your support on my blog, because without you I would feel like there is no reason to blog. So Thank You with All of my Heart Always XOX.

  OK now that I'm calmer and I got to say what I wanted to say about that.  So I'm doing something deferent here, and  I thought It would be nice if I  just post everything for the day in just one blog post?
I thought that it would be better instead of having a lot of posts. My poor Love Bunnies have to keep coming back and seeing my new post every hour on the hour, so I thought that it would just be easier for all if I did it that way?   So I'm going to see if that works for Us, I know it will be better. So with that said here is the "Tarot One Card Reading.

launching, long-term plans, foresight, things set in motion


When this card appears, a decision has been made and you are taking your first optimistic steps towards your goals.  You have set things in motion and there is no turning back now.

You know what you need to do and you have the confidence to do t.  You have the ability to lead and a vision that can inspire.

Forgiveness of others or yourself may be required in order to let go of the past.  With the bright future ahead of you, it is an ideal time to let go of past hurts.

This car may indicate foreign ravel.  Coming together with others and negotiating or trading could also be implied.  The Three o Wands suggests equality and cooperation in such endeavors.

Ultimately, when this card appears, growth is certain.

Spirit Oracle 3 Card Reading for Dec. 04, 2015

1st  Card (BODY)

You are always in control

You create your experiences, be they "good" or "bad."  You do it all.  You are it all.  You are Goddess!  So you might as well start using your divine creative powers to manifest what you want instead of what you don't want.

It's simple.  It's easy. You've been doing it forever.  You've just forgotten.  Now it's time to remember.  And to start doing it again, this time consciously and deliberately, to create the good you want in your life, and not the opposite.

You are totally free to make any choices you want.  And you are also free to make no choices. but that also is a choice, and you will then create your reality by default.  That is, you will take whatever life "throws at you," without making deliberate and conscious choices. people in that situation -which, remember, is still a choice- often feel like victims of fate.

Many of you have trouble accepting the concept of creating your own reality.  After all, i you believe you create your own reality, that means you must accept full responsibility for everything that happens in your life.

Do you accept that responsibility?  The only alternative is to pretend you're a victim.  And you definitely are not a victim.  You are always in control.

This card contains a message for your body.

2nd Card ( SOUL )

Don't fell like a victim

You must realize (despite your society's proclamations to the contrary) there truly are no victims, no victimizers.  There are only co-creators.  To deny that is to deny your own power to create whatever you want.  You are not a victim of circumstances - or the weather, other people, your governments, etc.   You are not a pawn buffeted about by the "powers that be."  You are not lost, and you definitely don't need to be saved.

You are you - this divine being of incredible power and wisdom who can do and have and be whatever you choose.  Many have trouble accepting the concept o creating their own reality, that means you must accept full responsibility for everything that happens in your life.

Do you accept that responsibility?

The only alternative is to pretend you're a victim.   And you definitely are not a victim.  You can either accept your responsibility for creating all your life experiences.  Or you can make yourself a victim.  In other words, you can empower or disempower yourself.  It's your choice.

This card contains a massage for your soul.

3rd Card ( MIND )

Focus on the positive aspects of your life

The biggest challenge most humans face in their current lifetimes is their resistance to what they do not want.  So if you are focusing on something through your resistance to it, you'll get more of what you do not want.  And if your'er focusing on something through your appreciation of it, you'll get more of what you do want.

You live in a universe that is exquisitely perfect in every way.  We realize that may sound to some like a ridiculous thing to say.  Especially when you look at the world around you.  However, the universe works in an entirely predictable manner.  It is governed by Law of Attraction.  And everything that happens, happens according to Law o Attraction.  No exceptions.

However you focus, negatively or positively, you will get what you focus on.  Because you'll send out a vibration o which the universe must respond.  That's Law of Attraction in action.

Once you understand and use Law of Attraction, you will create what you want.  Focus on the positive aspects of your life.

This card contains a massage for your mind.

OK I'm using my tablet to do this post and It's not doing what I wanted it to do. I'm not stressing over it, i'm really not. here is a photo of Me not stressing, and with no makeup looking all normal, not as scary like the picture on my blog header. lol

I see what I have to do now, but It's getting late and I want to get this post up. So I'm going to call it a day, I still have to clean my house and I'm working on a "Spell for Stress Relief" so I can post it tomorrow, so I'm going to say; Good-Night My Honey Bunnies and Sweet Dreams.

Peace, Love & Light
You Resident Witch
Amethyst XOX

Thursday, December 3, 2015

No Internet Today Dec. 03, 2015

Hello My Honey Bunnies;
I'm so for no blog for today, My internet went down and I had to run to the library so I can post this. I called my service and they told me that I would get my internet back on tomorrow.  Yippie!
So I'll talk to my honey bunnies later.  I hope you all are having a wonderful day, till tomorrow.
Peace, Love & Light
Your Resident Witch
Samantha  XOX

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Tarot One Card Reading for Dec. 03, 2015

Hello My Love Bunnies;
OK here you go, Enjoy!!
Peace, Love & Light
Your Resident Witch
Samantha XOX
empathetic, receptive, sensitive, introspective, psychic, emotional, loving, dreamer, counselor, mother
This card could represent a person you know or will encounter or some aspect of yourself that is present or to call upon now.
The Queen of Cups is a mature, sensitive, romantic person. She is an empathetic, soothing and kind listener.  She helps others to understand their own emotions.
She is a loving mother.  She gives much to others and may require solitude in order to restore herself.  Being near water restores and inspires her.
She is artistic and visionary.

Help! I Can't Find My Cards

Hello My Honey Bunnies;
I've been having some trouble with my Spirit Oracle Deck, I seem to can't find them, I thought that I put them on my desk but for the life of me I can't find them.  So i'm really sorry for the delay, and I will make it up to you soon as possible. Once again sorry for the trouble.  I'm sending you all of my love and positive energy.
Peace, Love & Light
Your Resident Witch
Samantha XOX

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Today"s Moon

Samantha )0(

Day Till Yule

Homeless Dog

I was at the library when I looked out the window and saw this, the poor dog had his own backpack. 
Samantha )0(

Tarot One Card Reading for Dec. 1, 2015

Hello My Beautiful Lovelies,
Wooh!! I finally got this up, I didn't think that it was going to happen, but here you go. Enjoy
withdrawal, indifference dissatisfaction,boredom, daydreaming
This card indicates withdrawal from an emotional situation.  It could e a voluntary withdrawal, such as taking time out to contemplate and meditate on your emotions or an involuntary withdrawal  such as finding yourself tired fo a situation and lacking the emotional resources to proceed.
The key to this card is to remember that the answers and inspiration you need  o go on are available to you.  Be sure that you do not become so absorbed in apathy that you do not see the emotional opportunities available to you. If you have taken time out to contemplate a situation, pay close attention to your dreams and the subtle signs around you.
Sometimes there is a need to withdraw, and the Four of Cups may be advising you to do just that.  The warning here is not to get stuck.Take the time you need to rest and contemplate what has come before, but also use this time to seek inspiration so you can soon continue forward.
Peace, Love & Light
Your Resident Witch
Samantha XOX

Monday, November 30, 2015

Phase of the Moon

Day Until Yule

Tarot Daily One Card Reading for Nov. 30, 2015

Hello My Love Bunnies;
It's your friendly resident Witch Amethyst and I'm  back with another one of my fabulous, "Tarot One Card Readings."  And I have some exciting news, I'm going to start a "NEW!" Card reading, so stay tuned for that, it's not from my "tarot deck" it's from my "Spirit Oracle Deck."  I'm still working out the bugs on that but it will be out tomorrow , I'm just trying to figure out what kind of spread.  For Example One Card, Three Card etc. etc. etc.
And I'm going to start posting a Yule countdown, and I'm going to be posting that in less than an hour, so keep an eye out for that. OK, Honey Bunnies that's all I have to share for now.

Peace, Love & light
Your Resident Witch
Samantha XOX

results, rewards, celebration, teamwork, gratitude, home
When this card appears in a reading It's time to celebrate your accomplishments.  You’ve had success in your journey.  Take time to honor your hard work.
The Four of Wands marks the completion of some stage.  It could be a birthday, a wedding, a successful school examination, and anniversary, or the purchase of a new home.
Whatever has been completed, now is a time to look back on your accomplishment and take stock. Give thanks to those people and for those things that have helped you get to where you are.
It’s also a time to look forward. What has brought you this far?  What new things would you like to manifest as you move into the future?
The castle in the center of this card reflects your home environment.  Take this opportunity to reflect on what in your home enabled you to get to where you are now.  Give gratitude. Think of ways to bring more of that supportive feeling in.  Notice the things in your environment that don't contribute to the future vision ou have for your life.  You now have the right attitude for making positive changes to your environment.
This card could also indicate a need to mark a life transition with ceremony or ritual, even something small or private.
Celebrate Yourself!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

New Fax Number

My new fax number is 1-720-302-1684. I just got it by signing up on the eFax® mobile app.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello My Darlings Love Bunnies;
It Me again your resident witch Amethyst, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. As for myself I had a wonderful one, spent time with my High Priest Baby and friends. I don't have any family here, and I couldn't make it to San Diego, CA. but I still had a wonderful time anyway, I always try to have a good time no matter what the case maybe, but enough of that, let me tell you something that I  just got, and that is my New! Business Card. Yippee! That's right, and I wanted to share it with you. Let Me know in the comment section below on what you think. Thanks

Oh! I sorry that I didn't have a Tarot Daily One Card . With Thanksgiving and having a full house, I just didn’t have the time, even now, My friends aren't going home till tomorrow evening. I’m just happy to be able to post this post. I’t a crazy time in my Witch's Cottage. I promise that on Monday I’ll be back on track. But now I’m just Tired lol.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tarot Daily One Card Reading Nov. 25, 2015

Hello My Beautiful Love Bunnies;

Here it is again my daily, “One Card Tarot Reading” I hope you will enjoy it.

Peace, Love & Light




opportunity, healthy beginning, investing, planting seeds, grounded

This card presents an opportunity or real, concrete growth. It can be the beginning of a new project, a chance to improve your health,a gift that you can use for further gain, money that you can invest in your future, a new job opportunity or chance for promotion, or even a good time to start a garden or begin improving your home.

This is a time to strengthen your roots, to ground and centre your body, and to begin building the foundation for the future.

This card may be telling you to spend time in nature. You will find fresh inspiration there.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Something Fun For You

Hello My Love Bunnies; 
It's me you friendly witch Amethyst, and I have some wonderful news, I'm starting a new thing on my blog ( I don't know what to exactly how or what to call it, but it's gonna be something fun for all.) I'm going to be doing daily tarot readings. Like one card spreads or past, prescient and future reading also. I alrady posted one of my. "One card spreads" so check that out. I'm going to be coming up with more witchery stuff, so subscribe and don't miss anything. And for my subscribers I will do a free reading, via email, so if your interested in that you can send me an email at (Just click on my email address) and I'll send you some information on what to do next.
Thank You All My Wonderful Love Bunnies and as always. I'm sending you all of my  Love & Positive Energy

Peace, Love & Light

From you resident Witch



P.S. This is some of the Fall texture that I find lovely, and  together is super fantastic, and I just like the look of the three together, what do you think? Just so Random lol

Tarot Daily One Card Reading For November 24, 2015

Today card is the


X Wheel of Fortune
taking action, change, movement, destiny, luck, expansion


The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that change is inevitable. However things are now, they will most definitely not stay the same forever.

We don't always have control over what life sets in our path, but we can decide how we handle everything; you can't.

The Wheel of Fortune advises you to center yourself so that you can stay calm and make good decision when your world seems like it is spinning out of control.

If you've been down on luck, it is quite likely that the Wheel of Fortune is indicating a change for the better.

That is your tarot one card reading for

November 24, 2015

Amethyst XOX

Good Eats

Hello My Love Bunnies;

Here are some delicious recipes for you to try for your  Yule: Winter Solstice Table. Enjoy and leave Me a comment if you make them. These aren’t mine I will leave the link below. Enjoy

I didn’t post the actual recipes here because it’s from someone's website, and I don’t want to take that away from them, and you know about copyrights, but there are a lot of good eats there. I’m going to be making some for my family this year. I hope that you find this blog useful and like always. I’m sending too All of My Love Bunnies. All of My Love and Positive energy.

Peace, Love & Light
From Your Resident Witch

Cute Wallpaper

Hello My Love Bunnies;

This is just a quick blog, I just wanted to share with you this fabulous wallpaper that I'm going to use for my tablet. I just love it, it has that fallness to it that I love so much. I know that fall is almost over, but its not over yet lol. Well bunnies that it for now. 

Peace, Love & Light

Your resedent Witch  



Here is what it looks like.

Organising Crazy Labels

Hello My Love Bunnies;

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, I know that I’m a day late with my post, I’m trying something new so I can have some structure about posting my blogs, so with that said, what I’m going to do is start posting on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, So we will see how that will work for Me.

But on another note, I’ve been working here on organizing my crazy labels, they were out of control. So I thought that I would make less labels and file my post in a more organized manner.

For Example:

A Day in the Life ( Under this label I will post my thoughts about anything and everything)

A Day in the Life Photo’s ( Under this label I will just post photo’s that I have taken myself or one that are of the mundane nature.)

Witchery Videos ( Under this label is where you can find videos of a witchery nature.)

so you get what I’m trying to do.

Now I want to go and see what Sabbat is coming so I can post some Sabbat recipes on the label, (Witchery Sabbat Recipes) That what I’m going to do.

Well I can’t think of anything else to say but. I hope you all are having a wonderful day.

I’m sending you all of my Love and Positive Energy.

Peace, Love & Light
From Your Resident Witch

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Cookies Are Coming!

Looking forward to this...

Get ready for the sugar rush.
Go here to view this message as a webpage.
Bake the best holiday with all-new cookie recipes.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Look What I Saw

Hello My Wonderful Friends
When I was walking down the street, I came across this lovely animal, there where about 4 of them, if you look closer than you can see there in the shadows is another one, I hope that you enjoy this and I will talk to you really soon. XOX

Like always I'm sending you all of my love and positive energy )0( Goddess Bless XOX

I Have an Appointment

Hello My Fabulous Friends
Yay! It's Friday another work week done, now I'm trying to think of what I'm going to do this weekend for the Goddess, for blessing me with goodness that I received this week. Oh! and just to let you know that I posted on my other blog. "My Sleep Meditation" so go over there and check that out, if you want. I have an appointment at Noon today and after that, I have to do some more packing and cleaning. Yugg!  This is the part I dislike about moving, but It has to be done. But anyway it is right now 11:16am so I'm going to have to get ready for my appointment. So I'll be leaving you for now
I'm sending you all of my Love and Positive energy, until next time XOX

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Working Hard

Good morning all of my wonderful friends
Well it is 10:18am here in San Rafael, CA and it’s starting to get warmer now, it was a cold one last night and this morning, I’m happy that it got warmer.  Anyway I’ve been working hard on my blog, “A Wiccan House’s”, but what I did was , I changed the name now it called, “ A Witch’s Life” I changed it because the name before I had for years, and now I needed something that will be more suited for it. Because it’s my Day in the Life blog, I have two blogs, the other one is called, “Amethyst Magick”. I’m going to used that one to post things of Magick, like, Spells, Rituals, anything that is magickal and even DIYs.  So stay tuned for that.
I’m going to say Marry Part. So I can work on my blog some more. I’m sending you all of my Love and Positive energy. Until we meet again.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Nothing Exciting Over Here

Hello All My Favorite Friends;

I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween, as for Me I really didn’t do anything that exciting, I just stayed home and passed out some candy and watch some horror movies on Netflix.  What did I watch?  Well the first one was of course, “Halloween” and “The Devils Reject”. And I did some reading, the book is called, “Sam: A Horror Novel By: Lain Rob Wright”, I’ll leave a picture of the book down below so you can see the cover. OMG! I’m so happy that it almost that time to move to Reno, tomorrow will be a week away can't wait. Well I can’t think of anything else to say but talk you you all later. I hope you are all having a wonderful week and I’m sending you all of my love and positive energy, until next time XOX

Thursday, October 22, 2015

It Was Freezing

Hello My Friends;

It is still a wonderful day here in San Rafael, CA. The sun is out and it’s starting to get warm. Honey’s it was freezing this morning; I could have used some gloves and a scarf. Yes Sweeties, it was that cold for me but once again it turned out to be beautiful day. Thanks you Goddess, but unfortunately I’m going to have to get used to it because when I move to Reno, NV. It even gets colder there, it even freaking snows there. But until then my skinny butt is going to enjoy this warmness.What do I have planned for today? I’m just going to work on some of my online stuff, like updated, stuff that needs to be updated, nothing too exciting. So that what I’m doing for today, I hope you all are doing wonderful, and I’ll talk to you later, I’m sending you all of my love and positive energy. Until next time XOX

Monday, October 19, 2015

Starting a New Week

Hello My Fabulous Friends;
What a day i'm having, nothing bad, it was just a long day so far, its 2:00 pm here in San Rafael, CA.
so right now i'm watching my subscriptions on You Tube, I have a lot of catching up to do lol. but after that I have to figure out how to transfer music for my Iphone to my computer, then after that I'm going to have some wine with my man. So that is what I have plan for the rest of the day, nothing too exciting but that my day so far... I hope you all are having a wonderful beginning week. Untill next time, I'm sending you all of my positive energy and love XOX

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Lisa Thiel - Samhain song

Samhain 2015

Hello All My Fabulous Friends;

This is just so information for my Wiccan Friends I hope you enjoy, Blessing XOX

How to Make a Creepy Cocktail! - HGTV Handmade

Hello All My Fabulous Friends;

Here is a cute and easy DIY for your Halloween party's  I think it's cute. But I wouldn't use vodka, just because I'm not a big fan, but I guess that you can use any kind of liqueur that you want, Just say. Thanks Honeys xox

Books that I'm currently reading

Hello and Good Day Too All my Fabulous Friends,  
  I just thought that I would share with you some of the book that i'm currently reading, I just started them so I can't give a review right at this moment, but I will when I'm done with them. So lets get started.

1. Girl's Guide To Witchcraft 
     By: Mindy Kiasky

2. Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch
    By: Rachel Patterson

3. 20 Minutes To Master Wicca
    By: Vivianne Crowley

So this is what i'm currently reading, and if you have read them please leave me a comment below on your thoughts about them.  Thanks

I hope you all are having a wonderful day, and I'm sending you all of my positive energy and blessing.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Moving to Reno Navada

Hi all my fabulous friends,
well as you can tell by my post title, Me and My Man are moving to Reno, NV. Yeppie! The reason for that is the rent is a lot cheaper there, and where we are living right now the rent is super high, so with that said it's not easy to get your shit together here. We are right now living in San Rafael, CA.  Here is a copy of the Craigslist for apartments here is SR.
Oct 12 LONG TERM RV SPACES!! $495 (West Sacramento) pic map [x]

Oct 12 Northwest Reno's best kept secret! Call for Specials! $1027 / 3br - 1181ft2 - pic map [x]

Oct 12 $400 Deposit! - Affordable Living In Modern Apt $780 / 2br - 850ft2 - (Reno) pic map [x]

Oct 12 $250 OFF 1ST MONTH - EASY MOVE-IN!! $645 / 1br - (Carson City, NV) pic map [x]

Oct 12 Apts @ Great Prices - Deposit $500 OAC $525 / 1br - 400ft2 - (Reno) pic map [x]

Oct 12 1016 SQ. FOOT 2x2 WITH WALK IN CLOSET!! Pre Lease today! $892 / 2br - 1016ft2 - pic map [x]

Oct 12 The Ross Apartments-The Best Value Downtown! $460 (Downtown Reno) pic map [x]

Oct 12 Special!!! The Ross Apartments- Downtown Studio 680.00!!! $680 (Downtown Reno) pic map [x]

Oct 12 Special!!! The Ross Apartments- Downtown Studios! Kitchenette Studio $500 (Downtown Reno) pic map [x]

Oct 12 Love Where You Live! Wait List Available! $748 / 1br - 841ft2 - pic map [x]

Oct 12 3 Bedroom!! Vaulted Ceilings! $1027 / 3br - 1037ft2 - (Verona Apartment Homes) pic [x]

Oct 12 Beautiful Single Family Home for Rent in Spanish Springs! $1450 / 3br - 1679ft2 - (spanish springs) pic [x]

Oct 12 ***HRG*** Long Term Housing Tahoe City (Tahoe City) pic [x]

Oct 12 DIAMOND BEAUTY ! centrally located home for rent $600 / 2br - 2021ft2 - (reno NEVADA) pic [x]

Oct 12 **!! IT'S STILL HOT AND SO OUR APARTMENTS!! $999 / 4br - 1159ft2 - (SOUTH MEADOW
Now here is a Craigslist for Reno
Oct 12 LONG TERM RV SPACES!! $495 (West Sacramento) pic map [x]

Oct 12 Northwest Reno's best kept secret! Call for Specials! $1027 / 3br - 1181ft2 - pic map [x]

Oct 12 $400 Deposit! - Affordable Living In Modern Apt $780 / 2br - 850ft2 - (Reno) pic map [x]

Oct 12 $250 OFF 1ST MONTH - EASY MOVE-IN!! $645 / 1br - (Carson City, NV) pic map [x]

Oct 12 Apts @ Great Prices - Deposit $500 OAC $525 / 1br - 400ft2 - (Reno) pic map [x]

Oct 12 1016 SQ. FOOT 2x2 WITH WALK IN CLOSET!! Pre Lease today! $892 / 2br - 1016ft2 - pic map [x]

Oct 12 The Ross Apartments-The Best Value Downtown! $460 (Downtown Reno) pic map [x]

Oct 12 Special!!! The Ross Apartments- Downtown Studio 680.00!!! $680 (Downtown Reno) pic map [x]

Oct 12 Special!!! The Ross Apartments- Downtown Studios! Kitchenette Studio $500 (Downtown Reno) pic map [x]

Oct 12 Love Where You Live! Wait List Available! $748 / 1br - 841ft2 - pic map [x]

Oct 12 3 Bedroom!! Vaulted Ceilings! $1027 / 3br - 1037ft2 - (Verona Apartment Homes) pic [x]

Oct 12 Beautiful Single Family Home for Rent in Spanish Springs! $1450 / 3br - 1679ft2 - (spanish springs) pic [x]

Oct 12 ***HRG*** Long Term Housing Tahoe City (Tahoe City) pic [x]

Oct 12 DIAMOND BEAUTY ! centrally located home for rent $600 / 2br - 2021ft2 - (reno NEVADA) pic [x]

Oct 12 **!! IT'S STILL HOT AND SO OUR APARTMENTS!! $999 / 4br - 1159ft2 - (SOUTH MEADOW
So now you see why  we are moving. 
I'm looking forward to it. I lived
in Reno before but that was so long ago and when I left I told 
myself that I was never going to live there again. Surprise!
I'm never thought that I would be so happy to be going back 
Reno, but I am, and I will be keeping all of my frends here 
up to date on my transitioning to Reno. I hope everyone is 
haveing a wonderful day and till next time. Blessing )0( 

Here is a picture of San Rafael, Ca
Now here is a picture of Reno, NV

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Whats New

I had this blog for such a long time and I never new where it was going. I'm a witch and loving it but there was something missing that I just didn't understand,  I wanted my readers to come to my here and find something useful for them, so I've been wrecking my brain on how can I make this place fun and bring happiness to though who visit her. Now I think I know what to do?  This is my Day in the Life. So on that note let me start by saying what I came to realized that, all these years I've been using others photographs, and not fill good about it, so recently I realized that I got the eye, my own photo's are not so shabby, so I thought too myself, " Why am I using other peoples photo when I could use my own?" Now  If you look at my header on my blog that is my own photo that I put together, and I'm really proud of myself. Give myself a gold star lol. So let me know what you think of it, It's still in the works, but I'm happy with the end results. Love You All So So Much XOXO

What one do you like best?

Friday, September 11, 2015

What is a Book of Shadows?

A Book of Shadow is the journal  that you used to keep all  of your magickal workings. What can you use as a Book Of Shadows, well you can use anything that make you fill good to use.  Here is a website that will help you with more information on this subject. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What I'm Working On

For right now I'm working on, "How to create a Book of Shadows". I'll be posting the work here so you can see how I do things.  I'm not saying that my way is the only way, but I find it to work for me.  I was enrolled in The Magick Circle School, but I found that for me it was unnecessary for my learning and plus the teacher was a total cunt face bitch. " Colleen Criswell" not to name any names. but I don't know how she has any students. But any way so that is whats happening with me for now.  I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekday. Blessing

Friday, January 16, 2015

Cute Ideals For you Witchery Room or Everyday Life

Here is some ideals for your witchy room, I simply just love these ideals, what do you think? and what els would you do for cute storage Ideals for your witchy room? I like the rustic fill of them, with the mansions jars, there are so much you can do with them. Blessed Be

It's Been a Minute

Wow, it's been a minute since I posted anything here, and I'm so sorry, but I'm back and ready to start this month with a BANG! ...