Monday, November 30, 2015

Tarot Daily One Card Reading for Nov. 30, 2015

Hello My Love Bunnies;
It's your friendly resident Witch Amethyst and I'm  back with another one of my fabulous, "Tarot One Card Readings."  And I have some exciting news, I'm going to start a "NEW!" Card reading, so stay tuned for that, it's not from my "tarot deck" it's from my "Spirit Oracle Deck."  I'm still working out the bugs on that but it will be out tomorrow , I'm just trying to figure out what kind of spread.  For Example One Card, Three Card etc. etc. etc.
And I'm going to start posting a Yule countdown, and I'm going to be posting that in less than an hour, so keep an eye out for that. OK, Honey Bunnies that's all I have to share for now.

Peace, Love & light
Your Resident Witch
Samantha XOX

results, rewards, celebration, teamwork, gratitude, home
When this card appears in a reading It's time to celebrate your accomplishments.  You’ve had success in your journey.  Take time to honor your hard work.
The Four of Wands marks the completion of some stage.  It could be a birthday, a wedding, a successful school examination, and anniversary, or the purchase of a new home.
Whatever has been completed, now is a time to look back on your accomplishment and take stock. Give thanks to those people and for those things that have helped you get to where you are.
It’s also a time to look forward. What has brought you this far?  What new things would you like to manifest as you move into the future?
The castle in the center of this card reflects your home environment.  Take this opportunity to reflect on what in your home enabled you to get to where you are now.  Give gratitude. Think of ways to bring more of that supportive feeling in.  Notice the things in your environment that don't contribute to the future vision ou have for your life.  You now have the right attitude for making positive changes to your environment.
This card could also indicate a need to mark a life transition with ceremony or ritual, even something small or private.
Celebrate Yourself!

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It's Been a Minute

Wow, it's been a minute since I posted anything here, and I'm so sorry, but I'm back and ready to start this month with a BANG! ...