Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Slow Cooker Cider Recipe

Slow Cooker Cider Recipe

TOTAL TIME: Prep: 5 min. Cook: 2 hours

MAKES: 8 servings


  • 2 cinnamon sticks (3 inches)
  • 1 teaspoon whole cloves
  • 1 teaspoon whole allspice
  • 2 quarts apple cider
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 orange, sliced


  1. Place cinnamon, cloves and allspice on a double thickness of cheesecloth; bring up corners of cloth and tie with a string to form a bag.
  2. Place cider and brown sugar in a 3-qt. slow cooker; stir until sugar dissolves. Add spice bag. Place orange slices on top. Cover and cook on low for 2-3 hours or until heated through. Discard spice bag. Yield: 2 quarts.
Originally published as Slow Cooker Cider in Taste of Home December/January 1997, p13

Taste of Home

Hello My Beautiful Lovelies,
I thought that you would like this recipe, It sure will keep you warm on them cold nights, or days. You can have it virgin or with some spirits. I hope you will give this a try and if you do please share your photo with me on My Google+ page, or you can email me your photo's and I would love to share them on here. You can email me ( Click Here )


Thank You for visiting and pleases come back real soon, for more wonderful things to come, With that said, I send you all my love and my positivity energy.
Samantha )0(

Countdown To Samhain

Hello My Beautiful Lovelies,
It's that time again, so without further a due.

This is how many days from Monday, sorry for the inconveniences.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Explore the Seasons and How We Connect With Them.

Photo By: http://www.picturescafe.com/

Hello My Beautiful Lovelies,
I'm sending everyone some October Blessing. This is one of my favorite seasons, the leaves start changing into the wonderful Fall colors, and the beef stews and hot chocolate is in the slow cooker, (But not together, that would be strange. I think? LOL) And did you know that you can make hot cider in your slow cooker too, I'll post the recipe soon. But what I was trying to say before I got off subject. LOL. I love all of the seasons because each of them has a special feeling, It's what make that season special in it own way.

Let's try an experiment,
1. Right down each of the seasons ( Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall )
2. Right down next to the season, how you feel when you think about that season. 
( Happy, Joyful, Sad, Hopeful, and Ect. ) You get the picture. 
3. Last but not least, Righ down what you think about when you think about that season.

You can take your time with this, this is about getting connected with your inner self, and exploring You and Your feelings. and right now We're going to explore the seasons and how We connect with them.
And then next week We're going to work on how we can use this information in Our magickal workings. Stay tuned for that.
And with that said, I'll be here tomorrow for the Samhain countdown, and a whole lot More fun thing to come.

Samantha )0(
Your Resident Witch
Photo By: http://www.picturescafe.com/

Thursday, October 6, 2016

I Have A New Email

Hello My Beautiful Lovelies,
This is just a quick post just to let you know that I have a new email address, that way you can email me your thoughts, comments, concerns, Ideals, whatever you might like to discuss.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

New Idea for Fridays

Hello My Beautiful lovelies,
I just came up with this idea for a new segment on my blog, It's going to be called, are you ready for this? Photo Fridays. What it's all about is I'm going to be posting, my own personal photos that I have taken. Here is an example:

Bird Riding The Trolly

That's how it going to be, I not sure if I'm going to post more than one. but I'm still working out the bugs. But be sure to check it out on Friday, and leave me a comment to let me know what you think. Thank You XOX

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Countdown To Samhain

Hello My Beautiful Lovelies,
This is my NEW series for are Sabbath, it's a count down so you can see how many days are left till that Sabbath. So with further ado.

Lot's of Love, Light and Magick
Samantha )0(

Friday, September 23, 2016

New Things To Come

Hello My Beautiful Lovelies,
Let Me start by telling you, that I truly have missed sharing my life story with all of you. Let Me start and tell you what has happened since I last posted. As you all remember that I was going to moved to Reno, Nevada. Yes, I did go there, and it sure was freezing there, and If you know anything about me, then you know that I don't like the cold. It was snowing too, I don't mind the snow, it's just the coldness of it, that makes it unbearable too me. With that said, I ran back to California and moved to San Francisco. 

I've been here since the beginning of January, and when I got here I was living in Motels, and looking for a full time job, that way I can pay for our motel and not worrier about being on the streets of San Francisco, I wouldn't want anyone to be sleeping on the streets of San Francisco and If anybody who know San Francisco, knows that it's not a safe place to be on the streets. Can we say Tenderloin, where smoking crack and shooting up meths is so casual like having a picnic in a park, Anyway! I got a job and I won't have to sleeping on the streets. Everything is looking up.

Now I have to buy a laptop, I found some at a good reasonable price at Best Buy. This is my first choice.

 And this is my second choice

Them are only my two of the one's that I'm looking at, there is still one that is only $265.00 and it's a huge one, with a DVD player and Writer. ( I guess that what their called) Right now I'm working on my tablet. what I really just need is a cromebook, their light wight, but I don't know, Yet! 

As for My witcheyness I was taking a brake while I was starting my new job, and at work I had to learn a lot of new things also, I really  haven't had time to do anything witchy, but I did manage to read a book when I had sometime to spare.

Okey! My Beautiful Lovelies, 
It's time for me to say farewell and I will be back, tomorrow for more existing things. 

Samantha )0(

It's Been a Minute

Wow, it's been a minute since I posted anything here, and I'm so sorry, but I'm back and ready to start this month with a BANG! ...