Saturday, November 28, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello My Darlings Love Bunnies;
It Me again your resident witch Amethyst, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. As for myself I had a wonderful one, spent time with my High Priest Baby and friends. I don't have any family here, and I couldn't make it to San Diego, CA. but I still had a wonderful time anyway, I always try to have a good time no matter what the case maybe, but enough of that, let me tell you something that I  just got, and that is my New! Business Card. Yippee! That's right, and I wanted to share it with you. Let Me know in the comment section below on what you think. Thanks

Oh! I sorry that I didn't have a Tarot Daily One Card . With Thanksgiving and having a full house, I just didn’t have the time, even now, My friends aren't going home till tomorrow evening. I’m just happy to be able to post this post. I’t a crazy time in my Witch's Cottage. I promise that on Monday I’ll be back on track. But now I’m just Tired lol.

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It's Been a Minute

Wow, it's been a minute since I posted anything here, and I'm so sorry, but I'm back and ready to start this month with a BANG! ...