Tuesday, January 31, 2017

I'm Working On Something New

Hello, Lovelies,
Wooh! I'm working on a new project for here, and Boy Oh Boy, It's  not as easy as I thought It would be, but when it's completed, it's going to be worth it. Stay tuned for that. But other then that, things are going well at the job. My weekend is coming up on Thursday, and I'm looking foward to that, I don't have anything planned except working on my blog and other social media formats. I'm getting back in the grove of things haha. It's supposed to rain Thursday, that the life of living in San Fransico.  Oh! One of our holidays is coming up:

Happy Imbolc! This is the first planting of spring. Ritual fires are burned. It is a time for birth, healing, and inspiration. This is a popular time for vows of dedication or consecration. Other Names: Imbolq, Olmeic, Candlemas, Brigits Day, Bride Day Date: February 2 (Greater Sabbat/Cross Quarter) Celebration of: The God is a young child growing in size and strength Related Holiday: Valentine's Day Colors: Pink or Pale Green Symbols: The Candle Wheel, Evergreens, Willows, Grain Dolly

This is not my words, I got them from My Google Calendar, Unknown Source. The information is correct.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Photo Fridays #1 ( 01/27/2017 )

Hello, My Beautiful Lovelies,
Here It is the first of many photos for Photo Fridays. Enjoy!

Relaxing On Saturday 

It's A Montage 

A Road To Travel 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

I'm Back Again, Hopefully Not Forgotten

Hello My Beautiful Lovelies,
I know it's been awhile, but there was so much that happened to Me since the last time I posted, nothing bad, it's all good things.  I've been working hard at my new job. Well, it's not so new to me now, lol! I've been working for this company for about 4 months now, and it's been going really well, I got my raises, and I got a good evaluation. I have been working a lot for the holidays also. Wooh! By the way, Happy New Year to all of My Beautiful Lovelies out there. XOX.. I hope You all had blessed holiday too. Now It's time for Me to get back to the things that I love to do the most, and that is posting blogs and connecting with all of you. Even though I haven't been posting I was planning some content that I think that you will enjoy. Yeppie! And I want to start making videos also. Yeah, Videos... There is so much that I'm going to do Now! That I have more free time. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to do a post called Photo Fridays, I have some wonderful photo's that I would like to share with you guys, I hope that you will enjoy them, this is going to be the photo that I have personally taken. So come back tomorrow and check them out, and If you don't want to miss any of my posts, then hit that Follow button, and never miss one of my posts and it will be much appreciated. I hope you all have a blessed weekend and I'll see you tomorrow.  
Peace, Love, and Light
Samantha )0(

It's Been a Minute

Wow, it's been a minute since I posted anything here, and I'm so sorry, but I'm back and ready to start this month with a BANG! ...