Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hi Everyone

Sorry that I've been away so long, its been a crazy last 5 month, I
got arrested for an old warrent from years ago, that I forgot about,
so I had to do 4 long month in jail, that was my frist and last time
ever, it was just an terrible place, but not only did that happend, My
boyfriend of 10 years, left me for someone els, while I was
there....Oh and one more thing that happend while I was there, my
sweet dog died, so I had alot happend and i'm sad about it all, I miss
them so much, I should be pissed at him, but I'm not...I don't know,
but what I beleve is that everything happens for a reason, so i'll
just have to waite and see whats comming, I still have my faith, and I
know the Goddess and the Gods are here, but I fill so alone now...I'll
be OK im a strong witch...The witch who could, Thanks and Blessing to
You )0( Amethyst 

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It's Been a Minute

Wow, it's been a minute since I posted anything here, and I'm so sorry, but I'm back and ready to start this month with a BANG! ...