Hello Friends,
I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend, I'm having a good day, My Boo just got back from his trip to Sacramento, CA. , I'm tickled pink in the pussy that he's back, but anyway... lol. Since he's been away I had some time on my hand, I decided to do something with my little hole-in-the-wall place.
I live in San Fransico, CA. and I live in an SRO, which is a Single Resident Occupancy, ( If you'll like more info on SRO's then you can just Google it. ) I pay $700.00 a month rent, and that's cheap and hard to come by here in San Fran. But that's why I call it my Hole-in-the-Wall.
Now that you have a little bit more understanding about my surroundings, and now this is what I finally came up with. It's cute, right?
You know having the drawers in front of the closet isn't annoying like I thought it was gonna be. but what do you think? Leave me a comment and tell me what you liked, what you didn't like. Shit, you can leave me a comment calling Me a Stank. I don't care do you boos. Until next time XOXO