Monday, August 9, 2010

Long Beach

I just found out that my friend Susie was in Long Beach, CA. and she wanted to see me but I didn't know where Long Beach was at, but come to find out it is only 2 hour away, its by L.A. But I didn't have any money to get there, but come to find out that she would have paid my way to see her, so I say shit!!! She sead that I should of told her that I had no money. Well I didn't talk to her, I heard this from Billy, and I know that it's the truth, So I can start to kick myself in the ass. I have to learn to speak up about things like that, one day I will learn but until then I will just keep missing out on the fun.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Blog

I've got a new blog so please come and take a look! The address is: 

So I hope you like this one, It  won’t have a lot about Wicca/Witchcraft this is for my other friends who are not witches, but it’s still going to have something for everyone, it’s just my everyday life stuff. So Come and take a look, Thanks 
P.S. If you click on the New Blog Title there is a link placed on it and it will take you there.

Welcome to My Blog

Friday, August 6, 2010

Some thing from My new School

Beginning Wicca

And I make this pledge to you in return.
For the lesser knowledge which can be taught,
I will be your teacher.
For the greater knowledge which must be discovered,
I will be your guide and friend.
For the questions and perplexities of the path,
I will be your companion,
To answer when I may
Or simply be silent as you seek your own answers.
And when the time comes to choose
Whether you will enter the priesthood,
I will share with you
All I have observed and thought,
And may the Gods prosper our work together.

Know that although I am your primary teacher, this Circle is not made of the two of us alone. All here are dedicated to the Old Ways and each has unique knowledge. All of us learn from and with each other. You too bring the learning of a lifetime and the fresh insight of a beginner’s questions. Together we are more than the simple sum of each of us alone.
~Athrawon's Personal Book of Shadows

Monday, August 2, 2010

Just A Lazy Day

Well it's Monday afternoon, and I thought that I would just have a lazy day. The sky is gray and cloudy so that would make it a perfect day to do nothing. So I Me a bottle vodka and I put on some County music, and I going to play with my dog Kilo, I hope that you all are having a wonderful day also. XOX

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bitchy Mood

Hi all well yesterday was real crazy my mother was in a Bitchy mood, I was going crazy!!! but she went to work now there peace in the house.

It's Been a Minute

Wow, it's been a minute since I posted anything here, and I'm so sorry, but I'm back and ready to start this month with a BANG! ...