Friday, May 31, 2013

Trouble with Blog :(

HELP! Am I the only one who's having trouble with there blog?  It wont show who's Following me or Share It. should I delte some of the stuff that I have on it, I don't know.

Why I have 2 names

You all are probably wondering why I have 2 names on my blog, well Samantha Aldrich is my legal name and Amethyst LavenderWolf is my pin name, just thought I would clear that up. Blessing )0(

Daw The Cauldron Wizard Recipes for your Body and Soul: Lavender and Rosemary sourdough Bread

Daw The Cauldron Wizard Recipes for your Body and Soul: Lavender and Rosemary sourdough Bread: The Best things in life are simple and Delicious like this  Recipe and oh by the way its gluten free Ingredients 1 cup Organ...

This look good and you know how much I love lavender. I tryed to post the picture but I couldn't :( so you just have to click the link sorry.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Belated Mothers Day Wishes

Wow!  This looks kind of fun and scary at the sometime lol, don't you think that the bottom of the cauldron would be so hot that they couldn't stand it, but I know that there has to be something inside to make it more enjoyable, don't you think?
But anyway I hope all of you mothers out there had a wonderful  Mothers Day, Happy Mothers Days, I know that I'm a little late, but I couldn't get to a computer at that time so I say better late then never, so here is a big thanks to all the mothers
Happy Mothers Day!


It's Been a Minute

Wow, it's been a minute since I posted anything here, and I'm so sorry, but I'm back and ready to start this month with a BANG! ...