Monday, August 9, 2010

Long Beach

I just found out that my friend Susie was in Long Beach, CA. and she wanted to see me but I didn't know where Long Beach was at, but come to find out it is only 2 hour away, its by L.A. But I didn't have any money to get there, but come to find out that she would have paid my way to see her, so I say shit!!! She sead that I should of told her that I had no money. Well I didn't talk to her, I heard this from Billy, and I know that it's the truth, So I can start to kick myself in the ass. I have to learn to speak up about things like that, one day I will learn but until then I will just keep missing out on the fun.

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It's Been a Minute

Wow, it's been a minute since I posted anything here, and I'm so sorry, but I'm back and ready to start this month with a BANG! ...